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Truth and Reconciliation Commission Concerning the Sámi People Inaugural Seminar
08.02.2022 @ 12:00 - 16:00
Truth and Reconciliation Commission Concerning the Sámi People
Inaugural Seminar
8 February 2022, 12.00–16.00
Online via Zoom
The Government appointed the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Concerning the Sámi People on 28 October 2021. The matter has been prepared in close cooperation with representatives of the Finnish state, the Sámi Parliament and the Skolt Sámi Siida Council. The aim of the Commission is to collect Sámi people’s experiences of the actions of the Finnish state and its various authorities and to make this information visible to the public.
The Prime Minister’s Office appointed a monitoring group for the Commission on 5 November 2021. The task of the monitoring group is to support the Commission in its work.
At the inaugural seminar of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, we will learn about international experiences of truth and reconciliation processes and hear from experts specialising in indigenous peoples’ issues and truth and reconciliation processes. After the speeches, there will be time for questions and discussion.
Opening remarks at the event will be delivered by Minister of Justice Anna-Maja Henriksson, President of the Sámi Parliament Tuomas Aslak Juuso and Skolt Sámi Elder Veikko Feodoroff. The event will be hosted by Anni-Kristiina Juuso, Secretary General of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Concerning the Sámi People.
Event can be streamed via this link https://zoom.us/j/99819331982?pwd=MlFWRHBXWHpITmFLWmJ2YisrMWtBZz09
Seminar will be interpreted into the Sámi languages, Finnish and English.
Schedule (Subject to changes, all times are +02:00 GMT)
12.00 Welcome and Introduction
Anni-Kristiina Juuso, Secretary General of the Commission
12.05–12.35 Opening speeches
Anna-Maja Henriksson, Minister of Justice
Tuomas Aslak Juuso, President of the Sámi Parliament
Veikko Feodoroff, Skolt Sámi Elder
12.35–13.30 Perspectives on the Commission’s work
Anni-Kristiina Juuso, Secretary General of the Commission
Veli-Pekka Lehtola, Researcher, Professor of Sámi Culture
Antti Pentikäinen, Research Professor
Helga West, Doctoral Researcher
Ristenrauna Magga, Counsellor of Social Welfare (honorary title)
13.30–13.45 Discussion, Questions and Answers
13.45–14.15 Coffee break
14.15–14.45 Overview of the Commission’s work
Irja Jefremoff, Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Concerning the Sámi People
Henrik Haapajärvi, State Secretary, Chair of the Commission’s monitoring group
14.45–15.00 Discussion, Questions and Answers
15.00–15.30 Experiences of truth and reconciliation processes
Commission to Investigate the Norwegianisation Policy and Injustice Against the Sámi, Kven/Norwegian Finnish Peoples, Chair of the Commission Dagfinn Høybråten
Chair of the Governing Circle, National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and Honourary Witness for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux
Human Rights Consultant, specialized in transitional justice, Eduardo Gonzales
15.30–15.45 Discussion, Questions and Answers
15.45–16.00 Closing remarks
Anni-Kristiina Juuso, Secretary General of the Commission
Contact: info@sdtsk.fi